The top Web development PHP frameworks

The top Web development PHP frameworks :

A good framework can help you develop a PHP application quickly, with more simplicity, and with a vision of 'best-practices-oriented'.

Examine this list of 9 great PHP frameworks and provide your preference or a new link to a framework not included in this list.

php framework

1. Laravel PHP Framework
Regardless of your level of experience with PHP web frameworks, Laravel is a framework that can adapt to your needs.
Laravel's web application framework is both expressive and elegant in its syntax. This framework has a starting point that allows you to concentrate on creating something amazing while we handle the details.
Laravel is committed to providing an incredible developer experience by offering powerful features like thorough dependency injection, an expressive database abstraction layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and integration testing, and more.
It is a popular choice for building rich web applications due to its restful routing and innovative features.
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Laravel is a PHP framework that provides a wide range of features for web application development. 

Some of its notable features include:
Artisan CLI: A command line interface that aids in running various commands and performing common development tasks
MVC architecture: Splits the application into three primary components: Model, View, and Controller
Built-in authentication: Comes with pre-configured solutions for authentication and authorization.
Eloquent ORM: A PHP syntax-based ORM system that allows developers to interact with databases
Routing system: Makes it easy for developers to handle HTTP requests and URLs
Blade Template Engine: Quickens development and makes it more convenient
Task scheduling: Recurring tasks are executed automatically at designated intervals
Multiple mail drivers: Enables you to set up multiple mail drivers within one application
Redis: Provides support for Redis' use as a cache for temporary data storage
Laravel Pennant: Using a feature flag package, you can roll out new application features one at a time

2. Symfony PHP Framework
The PHP framework that is the top choice for creating websites and web applications. Built on top of the Symfony Components.
Symfony is a collection of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community that work together in unison.
The Symfony PHP framework has a number of features that include:
Model-View-Controller based system:
A framework that is high-performance and utilizes a Model-View-Controller-based system.
Reusable code:  code is reusable and easy to maintain.  
Flexible URI routing: flexible URI routing.  
Database classes: its featured database classes that support multiple platforms.  
Twig template engine: has a twig template engine.  
API integration: The open source API Platform framework is integrated with Symfony, making it easier to build web APIs.
Session management: good session management.  
Error logging: good error logging.  
Dependency injection: A system that utilizes a configuration file to dynamically inject classes. With this, developers can create applications that are both scalable and modular.
Interoperability: Using parts of Symfony's software building blocks is possible for developers because of its interoperable design. It also uses third-party software at its core.
Large community: The Symfony community is constantly working to improve the framework and sharing information.  
Security: Provides protection against cross-site request forgeries and other attacks.  

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3. Zend PHP Framework
A framework that is both lightweight and popular, with a consistent design and object-oriented programming, and offers code reusability and integration with external libraries.
The framework has been renamed Laminas Project and is under the management of the Linux Foundation.
PHP is used to develop web applications using Zend Framework, which is an open-source framework. The objective was to simplify the process of creating and maintaining PHP-based websites.  
Here are some features of Zend Framework:  
Object-oriented: Creates web applications that are object-oriented using PHP 5.
Model–view–controller (MVC): A front-end controller solution is used to support MVC.
Continuous integration: Automatically builds and publishes GitHub projects using Travis CI.
Testing: Uses PHPUnit to test packages  
Packages: A set of PHP packages that can be integrated into the framework
Partnerships: Companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Adobe provide interfaces for their web services.  
Package dependency managers: Uses Composer to manage packages  
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4. Cake PHP Framework:
Features such as session, cookie, request handling, email, security, validation, and more make it easy to learn and use.
CakeDC offers CakePHP development services of the highest quality for startups, social networks, e-commerce, and enterprise level applications.
Larry Masters, who founded CakePHP, established CakeDC, the commercial entity behind the CakePHP framework.
CakeDC is able to provide services for CakePHP development, consultancy, training, and code review.
Build Quickly
Build prototypes quickly by utilizing code generation and scaffolding features.
No Configuration
There are no complicated XML or YAML files. You're prepared to bake once your database is set up.
MVC Conventions
CakePHP has a set of conventions that can help you develop your application.
Features Included built-in
One of the original PHP MVC frameworks has been built with everything you need for translations, database access, caching, validation, authentication, and more.
Input validation, CSRF protection, form tampering, and SQL injection prevention are all features of CakePHP's built-in tools. The Mozilla Secure Open Source program has conducted an audit of the CakePHP codebase.
Friendly License
The MIT license allows CakePHP to be used in commercial applications. 

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5. CodeIgniter PHP Framework:  
It is suitable for creating web applications that are lightweight and scalable, with simplified documentation and almost no configuration required.
The CodeIgniter PHP framework has many features, including:  
Quick development: Providing fast development services.
Plugin development: CodeIgniter offers a variety of plugins, helpers, and libraries that aid developers in building web applications quickly and efficiently.
Validation: Developers have the option to set as many validations as necessary for a particular field to guarantee the validity of data received by an app.
Error handling: Typing a code line to display mistakes is a quick and easy way for developers to handle errors.
SEO-friendly URLs: CodeIgniter can generate URLs that are friendly to search engines  
Test-driven development: Developers can test their work at every stage of the process, and CodeIgniter is the only framework that fully supports test-driven development.
XSS filtering: Websites and web apps are guarded against XSS attacks with CodeIgniter's XSS filtering features.
Community support: CodeIgniter has a significant following and a community of skilled programmers who share their knowledge on forums and web development communities.
Broad library support: The popularity of CodeIgniter is largely attributed to its built-in libraries, straightforward interface, and sensible platform structure. 

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6. Phalcon PHP Framework:
Phalcon is open-source and written as a C-extension.  
It is suitable for custom web applications due to its fast execution, low-level architecture, and less memory and processor consumption.
Here are some features of the Phalcon PHP framework:  
Model-view-controller (MVC) design: Phalcon is constructed using the MVC design paradigm.
Developer-friendly: Phalcon was created with developers in mind, and it doesn't necessitate knowledge of the C language to utilize it.
Dependency injection: Services can be started once and utilized throughout the application.
Volt template system: The Volt template system is utilized by Phalcon.
Low overhead: Phalcon's low-level architecture and optimizations make MVC-based applications less time-consuming.
Language support: Apps have the ability to display content in different languages depending on the user's chosen language.
HTTP helpers: offers a powerful set of HTTP helpers.  
Encryption: Encryption capabilities are offered by Phalcon through its Crypt component.  
Community-driven: Your thoughts and requests for functionality can be shared by submitting a New Feature Request.  

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7. Yii PHP Framework:

A lightweight, easy to install, and extension that offers features like support for RESTful API development and high performance.
Here are some features of the You Framework :  
Yii is designed to provide maximum functionality with minimal overhead.
Solid and secure code can be written by using sane defaults and built-in tools.
Using APIs and code generation that are both simple and powerful, you can write more code in less time.
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8. Fat-Free PHP Framework:  
A framework that is easy to use, lightweight, and has a powerful queue library, ORM, painless routing, and simple authentication.
Here are some features of the Fat-Free Framework :  
MVC setup: The goal is to have an MVC setup that has code separation between the Controller, Model (Mapper), and View.
Easy to learn:  It is designed to be easy to learn and use, with a gentle learning curve.
Lightweight:  The framework is lightweight and has a code base that weighs around 90kb.
Well-documented: best documented frameworks around.  
Plug-ins: It has a number of plug-ins that extend its functionality, including a template engine, a unit testing toolkit, and more.  
Declarative approach:  Both beginners and experts find it easy to understand PHP code with the declarative approach.
Data mappers: It has data mappers for SQL and NoSQL database back-ends, including SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Sybase, DB2, MongoDB, CouchDB, and Flat File.  
Open source:  free and released as open source software covered by the GNU Public License (GPL v3).  
Document encoding: The UTF-8 character set is the default behavior, but you have the option to override it.
The Hive: The hive is a memory array that holds your framework variables in the form of key/value pairs.  

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9. Kohana PHP Framework:  
Built using PHP OOP, it offers benefits such as visibility and modular design.
Kohana is a framework that is lightweight and open-source, designed to create web applications. Code Igniter is the basis for Kohana's strict PHP5 conventions for OOP and true auto loading.
Kohana is a PHP framework for building web applications that has many features, including:  
Architecture: The Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC) architecture employed by Kohana enables developers to modify properties, methods, and files.
Standard modules: Standard modules for encryption, validation, database access, and more are available in Kohana.
Event handling: High levels of customization are possible with Kohana's powerful event handlers.
Database abstraction: SQL helpers to provide simple database abstraction.  
External APIs: It has libraries that handle external APIs transparently.  
Profiling and debugging tools: Kohana's code is well-documented and includes examples and explanations.
UTF-8 encoding: compatible with UTF-8 encoding.  
BSD license: Developers can use and modify Kohana's framework for commercial, open source, or personal projects because it is released under a BSD license.

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