USSR stands for Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Directorate of Marketing and Inspection has a set up for quality certification of agricultural produce through the net work of 22 Regional Agmark Laboratories at different places in the country with Central Agmark Laboratory, Nagpur as the apex laboratory. 250 technical persons are working in these laboratories. These laboratories have been established to formulate standards and conduct physical and chemical analysis of agricultural and allied commodities in accordance with APGM Act 1937.

Central Agmark Laboratory has the following specialized commodity divisions for carrying out research and standardization work more efficiently.

1. Agricultural Products (Foodgrains)

2. Spices and Essential Oils

3. Oils and Fats

4. General Chemistry

5. Livestock Products including microbiology

6. Toxicology

The main functions of Central Agmark Laboratory are:

To work as apex laboratory for challenged sample under APGM Act 1937

a) To evolve/standardize methods of analysis/tests of agricultural and allied commodities and meat products.

b) To advise on technical matters to various quality control agencies and State Government Grading Laboratories, in relation to grading of various agricultural commodities, food under Agmark.

c) Formulation of specifications for new commodities for bringing under the purview of Agmark.

d) Revision of specifications of various agricultural, allied products, meat products etc. periodically.

e) Training to the personnel engaged in the analysis of various commodities under Agmark.

f) To create awareness with regard to grading, standardisation and quality of various agricultural and food products.


The Regional Agmark Laboratories are engaged in analysis of agricultural and food commodities for evaluating the quality of the product. The main activities of Regional Agmark Laboratories are as follows:

a) Analysis of commodities covered under Agmark,

b) Technical advice to approved grading laboratories

c) Training of Grading chemists of the private approved lab., State Grading Lab and other similar organization.

d) Associate with Central Agmark Laboratory, in collaborative studies/research/standardization work of various

agricultural, food and livestock products.

e) To organize Awareness programmes in grading, standardisation and quality control.


a) To organize training and awareness programme on good marketing practices, grading, standardization and quality

certification for the benefit of the farmers.

b) To organize training in chemical and microbiological analysis and for food safety parameters.

c) Framing of specification for Research and Standardization work of agricultural, food and allied commodities, meat products including food safety parameters under SPS measures.

d) Development of method of analysis

e) Collection of data on food safety parameters and quality parameters for harmonization of standards for international


f) To accord accreditation to laboratories engaged in analysis work under “Agmark” and MFP Order.

g) Preparation of manual on Grading, Standardisation and quality certification, Good Agricultural Marketing Practices, analysis of agricultural produce at farmer’s level.

h) To obtain accreditation of laboratories for validation of test reports.


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