The main cause of goitre is the deficiency of iodine in the diet. Goitre is more common among women, swelling of thyroid leads to goitre due to hypothyroidism.

Doctors say, it can be treated by medication or by surgery depending on the cause. Deficiency of iodine occurs when the daily intake, especially from food and water, does not fulfill the iodine requirement of the body. There are regions that lack iodine and crops grown on such soil are deficient in iodine. 

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Iodine is mainly required for thyroid functioning and for the production of thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland adds iodine to the amino acid tyrosine to create thyroid hormone. This hormone is required for the normal functioning of organs in the body. Inadequate quantity of iodine intake cause thyroid glands to bulge and stops the secretion of thyroxin, which is essential for the physical and mental growth of growing children, and thereby leading to goitre.

One should consume at least 150 mg of iodine per day to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD). Doctors say IDD leads to mental retardation, development of goitre, lowered IQ, spontaneous abortion and stillbirths. Iodine is required for the essential growth of children. During pregnancy, proper care should be taken to see expecting mothers are not deficient in Iodine.

The deficiency of iodine leads to hypothyroidism, which is common in women than in men, The symptoms include , changes in skin, putting on weight, feeling cold, hair fall, constipation. Among adults, IDD can result in low productivity and lack of energy. Iodine intake in excess can also be harmful and can cause other illness.


 A very large dose of iodine can lead to iodine goitre and cause hyperthyroidism. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism include eye changes (prominent), palpitation, rapid weight loss, and tremors in hands, frequent passing motion. And in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, there will be swelling in the neck.


One can lead a healthy life and can easily prevent IDD by consuming iodised salt.

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