React native expo mobile app development

A comprehensive overview of React Native Expo mobile app development can be found here:

Introduction about React Native Expo :
By combining React Native and Expo, React Native Expo allows developers to create cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and React.

react native

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The important aspects of React Native Expo :
-Cross platform compatibility , which is suitable for both iOS ,Android and web applications.
-Fast development and prototyping structure.
-Integrated testing and debugging tools availability in online.
-Hot reloading for instant feedback
-Ease of Access to device hardware native modules such as camera, GPS, etc.
-Large support community systems and vast ecosystem support.
React Native Expo Architecture includes:
-JavaScript:The programming language primarily using to build React native apps.
-React: Fundamental UI library for building components.
-React Native: which is a JavaScript framework used to build native apps for mobile devices.
-Expo: Using this Toolkit for building, deploying, and managing React Native apps.
-Expo Client: App container for running react native Expo apps.
React native expo app build process:
-Installation Setup:Install latest version of Node.js real time JavaScript server engine, then configure React Native CLI, and Expo CLI.
-Build your first react native expo project:  
expo init ( or)
npx create-expo-app yourappfoldername  
-Build and Design react native expo UI components:
Create components using React Native and JSX- A special JavaScript XML tags.
-Write code logic: Write JavaScript or typescript code for your app functionality.
-Testing and debuging app environment:  
Use Expo CLI Command line interface , Android Studio, or Xcode to test and debug app.
-Launch and Deploy react native expo app:
Publish to App Store or Google Play Store using Expo EAS build tool.
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React native Expo Services includes pre-built features :
-Data Storage and security:  
Secure your data storage with Expo local Storage system.
-User Authentication:  
Easy to use user authentication with Expo Auth.
-Default Notifications push :  
Use Default Push notifications with Expo Notifications.
-Integration of Payments module: 

Integrate payment gateways with Expo Payments module.
-App Analytics and tracking :  
Keep Track your app usage with Expo Analytics.
List of React Native Expo core Components: 

-Navigation: Tab navigation, stack navigation, etc.
-Views: Basic UI components -Text, Image, svgri, touchability, scrollview.
-Forms: TextInput, Picker, PickerSelect,etc.
-Lists: FlatList, SectionList, etc.
-Media: Image,svg, Video, Audio, etc.
Default React Native Expo Tools:
-Expo Client: App container for running Expo  
-Expo CLI: Command-line interface for Expo
-Android Studio: IDE for Android development
-Visual studio code : IDE for Android development
-Xcode: IDE for iOS development
-React DevTools: Debugging tools for React
React native online Learning guides and official Resources: 

-React official documentation
-React Native official Documentation
-React Native and Expo online communities
-Expo official Documentation
-Udemy video courses
-YouTube video tutorials
React native expo Project build types:
-Education app
-Blogging Sites
-E-commerce Business app
-Weather app
-Sports and Fitness tracker
-Hotel and Cooking app
-Game app
-Social media app
React Native Expo enables the creation of cross-platform mobile apps with both power and efficiency. High-quality apps can be quickly created by developers thanks to its vast ecosystem, large community, and extensive documentation.

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